SCIENCE AND FAITH: Scientists, Archeologists Say Infrared Tool Led Them To Last Supper Room

At first glance, I thought this was something straight out of the fever swamp section of the National Enquirer newsroom or maybe even the Midnight News, but, no, the following news report was produced and appeared on a credible Israeli news outlet.

The claim being reported is that by using 3D imaging made possible by advanced infrared technology, a team of scientists and archeologists were able to create a digital history of a storied building in the Jerusalem area where Christian tradition claims the Last Supper was held.

Do I accept that this effort has actually discovered a means of recreating the room where Jesus had the Last Supper? To be honest, I am quite skeptical. The imaging is of a room, but not necessarily the room. Watch the segment and share your thoughts.



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  1. AnneG on May 23, 2020 at 11:54 am

    When I was a Protestant I was very skeptical of these ancient things. Now, as a Catholic, I am pleasantly amazed when buildings, locations, and items linked with holy traditions begin to look more and more true. I think it has to do with our respect for history and the veracity of Biblical events and historical events.
    I don’t know if this room at the Cenacle is the room where the Lord and Apostles shared the Last Supper. The authority seems sure the building is ancient even by Jerusalem standards, so it is reasonable to believe that Jesus has been there. Maybe it is the traditional room.
    I do believe that it amuses the Father for his children to be surprised and puzzled when these things are revealed, bringing a response of, “maybe this really did happen.”

    • Mark Tapscott on May 23, 2020 at 12:10 pm

      Thanks for sharing your observations, Anne. I am a Southern Baptist, but I did graduate work in political philosophy at a traditional Catholic school, the University of Dallas, many years ago. I wonder if perhaps the difference in reactions to such claims has to do with different understandings of the nature of symbols.

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