Life Is Simply Impossible Without This ‘Irreducibly Complex’ ATP Generator, So How Did It Get Here?

“Irreducible Complexity” (IR) is a term coined by Lehigh University biochemist and Intelligent Design advocate Michael J. Behe. The Department of Defense (DOD) organizational chart may seem irreducibly complex, as do congressional parliamentary procedures at times.

Screen shot.

But beginning with his 1996 book, “Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution,” Behe has been talking about incredibly complex machines at the nano level that must be assembled in a certain order before they can perform functions that are essential to the continuation of a living organism’s existence.

Whether you think Behe is right or wrong, there is again new evidence that points to IR as a reasonable explanation of some of the most basic and vital questions about the origins of life. As the following video vividly explains, that evidence concerns the ATP Synthase, an amazing motor that manufactures a chemical, ATP, every cell in your body must have.

The ATP Synthase “machine has many parts we recognize from human-designed technology, including a rotor, a stator, a camshaft or driveshaft, and other basic components of a rotary engine,” according to Discovery Science.

“This machine is just the final step in a long and complex metabolic pathway involving numerous enzymes and other molecules—all so the cell can produce ATP to power biochemical reactions, and provide energy for other molecular machines in the cell,” Discovery Science continues.

Lord, Liar or Lunatic? Ultimately, we all must choose what we think He is.”

Yes, Discovery Science is a group of scientists from multiple fields of study and research who are united by their agreement that Intelligent Design can more reasonably explain things Darwinian evolution cannot.

So, keep an open mind because this could be the most important 3:21 seconds of your life.  Check it out:

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  1. jayniemarie on August 24, 2019 at 9:23 pm

    Intriguing. Both the overall concept of IR and the ‘machinations’ that create ATP. Thanks for the post.

  2. […] a new video to Congressional […]

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